I. Preface
A. Definitions of viruses and other forms of electronic "life".
1. What is a virus?
2. What is a worm?
3. What is a trojan horse?
4. What is an ANSI bomb?
B. Discussion of programming techniques.
1. Run-time .COM infecting viruses
2. Memory-resident .COM infecting viruses
3. Alternate infection methods
4. Other tips and tricks
5. FTP sites and IRC bots
C. Virus removal and anti-virus software.
1. The _Correct_ way to use FDISK /MBR
2. Removing Boot/MBR viruses
3. Removing Boot/MBR stealth viruses
4. Removing file viruses
5. Anti-virus software review
D. On-going debate of different views on viruses.
1. Debate on viruses made for the hell of it.
2. Debate on viruses as smart weapons.
3. Debate on "good" viruses
I. Preface
There have been several posts in alt.comp.virus, asking why
there wasn't an alt.comp.virus FAQ. I decided that was enough and set out
to start writing it. As with all FAQs it is not complete and won't cover
every question, but, that's why it's open for improvement. So any thing you
would like to see added, including the debates, send to: danishm@iia.org.
A. Definitions of viruses and other types of electronic "life".
1. What is a virus?
A virus is a program that contains the ability to replicate.
It has the ability to spread itself through many computers. It does this
by using the DOS and BIOS interrupts, generally. (other types of disk access
will be discussed later and are also found in VLAD#3) It requires other
programs to be able to spread, which makes it different from a worm.
2. What is a worm?
A worm, like a virus, spreads itself by replication. A worm does
not require third party programs to replicate and usually spread themselves
through networks.
3. What is a trojan horse?
A trojan horse does not replicate, but is substituted for another
program by a user. Generally they wreak havoc on the computer when they run.
4. What is an ANSI bomb?
An ANSI bomb does not replicate either like a trojan horse, and
usually does damage by remapping the keyboard using ANSI.SYS (hence it's
name) to damage the computer. An example would be, an ANSI bomb remaps
the letter A to 'FORMAT C: /U /AUTOTEST' or 'ECHO Y:FORMAT C:'.
B. Discussion of programming techniques.
1. Run-time .COM infecting viruses.
In this FAQ I will only cover .COM file infection because it is very
easy for the beginner. Run-time viruses are run before the program and
search for new .COM files to infect. If they are of great size it can slow
down the execution of a program and thus warn the user. In theory run-time
viruses are extremely easy, but in practice occasionally will produce
problems...depending on how you're doing it. Overwriters are simple and
easy to spot, they overwrite the program:
Before infection:
{ Program }
After infection:
{ Virus }m }
Non-overwriters, or appenders, are a lot better in that they don't destroy
programs that they infect:
Before infection:
{ Program }
After infection:
{ V rogram }{ irus P}
As you see the virus replaces the first few bytes with a jump to the virus
code. After the jump the virus replaces the original code in it's proper
spot, ONLY in memory. Then the virus does it's stuff and jumps back to
the beginning of the program and the program runs as nothing had happened.
At least that's what supposed to happen. Some programs may cause problems,
but that is the exception, not the rule.
2. Memory-resident .COM infecting viruses.
Memory-resident viruses are much better than their run-time kin
1. They don't cause sluggish delays caused by searching and writing before
the file is run.
2. They have a wider reach.
3. They can be smaller sometimes.
4. They can hide their code and increases in files in a DIR listing.
Plus much more. More knowledge is required however to write one, but that
is obvious and I will attempt to write a guideline (no code) to go by
when writing one.
First thing it should do is check for a previos installation.
This can be accomplished by making up a value for AX and checking for it in
your handler.
Next memory reservation is required, this involves freeing up some
memory because .COM files get everything when run, then allocating some
memory for your code. Changing the value in MCB:0001h to 0008h will make
that memory resident. You can also decrease total conventional memory and
put your code up th7ere.
Next you must move your code to that segment, wherever it may be,
in a MCB-controlled segment or top of memory.
Next you must point your interrupts that you are hooking to your
code in the segment that you reserved.
Then restore control to the host program. The interrupt handler is
pretty straightforward, but for a better description, refer to another
3. Alternate infection methods.
The appending method of infection is not alone. Many other methods
are available including putting the virus first:
{ Program }
{ Virus }{ Program }
Another is to put the jump in another location, such as to search for one
in the program:
{ Program }
{ ProgVam }{ irus R}
4. Other tips & tricks.
Everyone wants their virus to be undetectable and efficient, so here
are a few tricks I picked up, along with references from where I got them.
mov di,0101h ; If mov di,0100h TBSCAN detects it
dec di
push di
; (from VLAD)
mov cx,word ptr [bp+old3] ; Alternate way of detecting .EXE files
add cl,ch
cmp cl,167
je close
; (from VLAD)
lea si,[bp+old3] ; Combines move of original 3 bytes and the
mov di,0101h ; jump back to 0100h
dec di
push di
5. FTP sites and IRC bots.
Here are a few FTP sites that have virus-related stuff:
ftp.iia.org/pub/users/danishm (Contact me for access to virus area)
Here are a few IRC bots that carry virus stuff:
Most of the bots can be found on channel #virus
C. Virus removal and anti-virus software.
1. The _Correct_ way to use FDISK /MBR.
We've had people suggesting FDISK /MBR to people with MBR infections
but often they don't mention the problems that can come about from using it.
FDISK /MBR rewrites the Master Boot Record to the basic minimum the machine
needs to operate. If you have DriveSpace, Stacker, or any other type of
utility that installs itself in the MBR, and you FDISK /MBR your disk, you
could lose all of your data because the proper programs are not loaded.
If that is the case find a good AV program such as F-PROT and use it instead.
In fact it always is a good idea to find a different alternative rather than
2. Removing Boot/MBR viruses.
To determine that this is a virus that doesn't encrypt the original
Boot/MBR, boot from a CLEAN floopy disk and try and access the hard disk.
If you can't, it's a stealth virus and refer to the next section on Removing
Boot/MBR stealth viruses. If you can and there is no programs like Stacker
loaded in your original Boot/MBR then it is ok to use FDISK /MBR, SYS C:,
though it is recommended that you use AV-software instead. If you do need
get back the original, either extract and disassemble the Boot/MBR, contact
the author of the virus, or if that frightens you, get some AV-software to
remove it.
3. Removing Boot/MBR stealth viruses.
Refer to section 2 to find out if the virus is stealth. This method
will NOT work with non-stealth viruses, and is not guarenteed to work.
Make a program to extract the Boot/MBR. Then reboot your machine from the
infected hard disk and run the program. It should return the original
Boot/MBR. After this copy it to a disk that is NOT a boot disk. Now you
have a copy of your original Boot/MBR and you now can replace the Boot/MBR
of your hard disk with the original Boot/MBR. I will let you go about the
coding by yourself though I will be glad to send you files to do it. If
you are afraid of permanently destroying your hard disk, get some
AV-software to do it for you.
4. Removing file viruses.
Before removing file viruses, boot from a clean disk. Now you may
go through with DEBUG and see if there is a jump at the beginning to almost
the end of the file it may be infected. Disassemble the point where it
jumped to, and see if the code resembles virus code. If it does, attempt to
look for the original few bytes. If that prospect frightens you or you don't
want to bother searching each file, get AV-software to check them for you.
5. Anti-virus software review.
I have prepared a review of anti-virus software from what I have
gathered in my journeys throughout the internet.
Central Point Anti-Virus (CPAV) - Isn't very good, but at least is original,
MSAV rips off most of it.
Microsoft Anti-Virus (MSAV) - Is horrible, besides the fact it rips off CPAV.
Norton Anti-Virus (NAV) - Not very good, though it gets good ratings from
magazines and stuff because of it's user interface, all graphical.
McAfee ViruScan (SCAN) - An ok scanner, better than CPAV, MSAV, and NAV, but
not the best.
ThunderByte Anti-Virus (TBAV) - An awesome scanner, it's capabilites with
unknown viruses are astounding.
F-Protect (F-PROT) - I have never seen a better scanner, it combines
heuristic capability (detecting unknown viruses) with an excellent scanning
and removal facility.
D. On-going debate on different views on viruses.
1. Debate on viruses made for the hell of it.
2. Debate on viruses as smart weapons.
3. Debate on "good" viruses.
Subject: Alt.comp.virus FAQ
From: danishm@iia.org ()
Date: 10 Feb 1995 12:38:32 GMT
Message-ID: <3hfmo8$21f@ankh.iia.org>