About me
Hi! Thanks for stopping by to my homepage.. Im fadlee as you know the one who make this very weird website..lol im 18 years old and lives in a small town Raub which is in malaysia.
It is a very pleasant place to live, as you now what a small village would be look like as it is more develope now but frankly its not that nice like a big city.
Currently im about to apply to a college somewhere in K.L maybe studying computer science or multimedia design.
May i tell you a brief about how on the first time i started create my homepage.
It was all started in the early 1999 when i was obsess on Internet,I wanna let the world know who i am and my life is(which now blog exist and solve the problem) As by then i really wanna learn new things firstly thru creating a website.. as you can freely do anything you want!(how cool is that for a 12 year old kid like me at that time) Around the year 2000, I made my very own website just by editing the template given at first.
As i anxious on adding cool stuff to my page i somehow learn myself on editing my page with HTML. It was started when i accidently view the source code from my site and slowly recognize where the content is and how to input other stuff.
I also learn a bit from html tutorial but still so basic for me.
Until now as i update my site there always something new for me to learn. Even it was a slow learning i will as to improve my knowledge in html and for future im planning to learn CSS,PHP,etc. Since the first web till now i really appreciate what all of you guys did by giving advice to improve this site.. Thanks a lot! :D
If you all want to send any opinion or anything do send it to my email and im sure will reply it as soon as possible.
You can view my profile at Myspace Profile
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